Resolution Audio Opus 21 IXS

Opus 21The Resolution Audio IXS is not included on the Resolution Audio web site yet, so this is pretty much a concoction of spottings.

Resolution Audio is already famous for their Opus 21 CD player which combines with their Opus 21 XS [Extra Source] device lift their system above normality, utilizing the CD player DAC for digital audio. All components are powered from an external power supply, aptly named Opus 21 Power Centre. It is from the power supply you are informed of what is currently playing. Now, the IXS stands apart from the original XS in that it supports streaming iTunes tracks from an iTunes serving computer. Through an iPod Touch, or indeed anything capable of remote controlling your iTunes library, you can control which tracks are played. In detail how it differs from the XS remains to be resolved, since the original XS itself has 5 digital inputs of which one is USB, meaning that listening to iTunes with the help of an iPod Touch was already possible. Such are unofficial information; you cannot always get the details.

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