I should kick, being kick’d; and, being at that pass…

— you would keep from my heels and beware of an ass

It has been a long time since my last update but following a hiatus often comes a time of exhilarated mania manifesting itself in this oddly named blogging kickstart.

We have used a combination of iTunes, Squeezebox and Foobar2000 for quite a few years now. Moving to a new house in 2012 caused a slight shift towards true multiroom and the Squeezeboxes became the centre of our musical universe. This, however, also accentuated a couple of shortcomings with Squeezebox and thus instigated a possible change of system.

Given its outrageous price tag, Linn is out of the equation for us. The next system in line was the Naim Uniti which is more within reach albeit still too expensive in a multiroom setting. The choice ended up being between keeping the Squeezebox, solving the problems we have, moving to Sonos or jumping to the relatively new Simple Audio lead by former Linn MD Peter Murphy. So far I have tested a 5 room Sonos setup against Squeezebox. The plan is to have a go at Simple Audio next and then post a detailed account of my experience with all three and where they excel and, conversely, fall short. So stick around for brand new spark of life following this virtual defibrillator.

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