Category Archives: Stores

Copenhagen Records offers 24-bit lossless

Danish record company Copenhagen Records announced 30th June that they will offer their releases in 16-bit and 24-bit lossless resolution. Which sample rates will be available, however, they do not reveal. Presumably 44.1KHz is what they mean when they say CD-quality. Master-quality would then likely be 96KHz or perhaps even 192KHz. Their ambitions, though, are much more well defined: They intend to offer their coming releases as 24-bit – directly off of the master. File formats are Apple Lossless, WMA and Flac.

Copenhagen Records already sell CD-quality 16-bit  WMA and Apple Lossless covering most of their backlist. What the new formats are concerned, so far only Nephew’s new album Danmark Denmark is available as 24-bit master quality. A brilliant band so perhaps I will just buy this album as Flac and tell you what rate it is.


Wifimedia Can you even imagine this – a store selling practically nothing except wireless sound equipment? Specifically streaming devices. This must surely be heaven.

Dutch Wifimedia is not just your regular web shop. They do offer most of their stock online, true, but the distinguishing mark of Wifimedia is their physical showroom in the centre of Arnhem. Here you will find Sonos and Sooloos, Squeezeboxes and NAS-disks… and probably everything not mentioned in that [granted] very short list.

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